Physics | Engineering | Physical Science | Chemistry

Come, study, and learn with a teacher who is enthusiastic about the subjects he has taught and tutored for more than 20 years to college, high school, junior high, public, private, and home school students, nationally and internationally!

Walt is:

Additionally, Walt holds the following degrees:
  • B.S. Engineering Mechanics
  • M.S. Systems Engineering
    do you live near the woodlands, TX?

    Tutoring Services

    Already know what subject you want? Use these shortcut links...


    Before jumping into Engineering,
    Take this class and answer the question:
    Should I be an Engineer?


    Learn how and why the electron configuration of an element determines its chemical behavior.


    The Foundational Science

    Physical Science

    Explore Earth Science, Introductory Chemistry, and Introductory Physics
    all in one course
    You decide!

    Or - Pick from the learning format that fits you...

    Live, Face-to-face

    Prefer to be in the same room with the teacher?
    • Come join me live in a classroom!
    • I'll lead the class
    • We'll interact - ask questions if something doesn't make sense
    • I will grade the assignments
    • For classes with experiments/labs, I'll provide all the materials

    Dual Credit Online

    Looking to kill two birds with one stone?
    • Take a dual credit class live online
    • I'll lead the class
    • We'll interact - feel free to stop and ask questions
    • I will grade the assignments
    • For classes with experiments/labs, you'll provide the materials (but I've set them up to use commonly available items - no special lab equipment needed)

    Online, Self-paced

    Prefer to work at your own pace but with an experienced teacher guiding you along the way?
    • These, online, self-paced courses allow you to do just that
    • You set the pace through the structured lessons
    • You fit them into your schedule
    • There are learning checks throughout each lesson
    • Most of the assignments are graded automatically - there's a few I'll jump online and grade when you complete them
    • I have office hours throughout the week so you can jump online with me and ask any questions you might have
    • For classes with experiments/labs you'll provide the materials (but I've set them up to use commonly available items - no special lab equipment needed)

    Online, Recorded Lecture Only

    Are you a relatively strong self-learner?
    • Sometimes we all need a little help.
    • Rent video recordings of full courses or individual lessons to get the help you need to understand more difficult concepts.

    Here's what students and parents are saying...

    "I just want you to know that you are one of the FUNNIEST people I have ever encountered in my life. Physics is HARD and I am definitely struggling to keep up, but you make it SO fun. There has not been a lecture that I have not laughed at least once. I appreciate making a hard class enjoyable! :D"
    "Thank you for being such an amazing Physics teacher, teachers like you are truly one of a kind and are greatly appreciated!"
    "This was my favorite class - I actually learned the material!"
    "Physics is a subject of great interest to our family (as you well know by now), and being able to participate in a class setting with you has be a great experience for John-Arthur!"
    "The word is getting around that you are a great teacher with a great class!"
    "She LOVED you and your class! I think she could become a physicist if you could teach her all through school."
    "THANK YOU for teaching so well! We will all miss you. This was a highlight of Catie's high school experience."
    "Christine is enjoying your class! She says that it is delightful! She really enjoys that some example problems are done in class and the fact that it is 'ok to ask questions' when she doesn't understand something. Thanks for doing a great job with the class and for making science enjoyable!"
    "Thank you for taking time to teach our physics class. You make the class fun and interesting. I've enjoyed science this year a lot more than I have in the previous years because of you. I'm also feeling like I'm learning and understanding concepts that will be incredibly important to my college education. You've not only helped me with physics, but with other study tips like reading the full question and remember the units in a given problem. I want to thank you for all of this."
    "We did not expect Case to love physics this year as much as he has! You have had such a wonderful impact on him! We are enormously appreciative of all you have done to keep him interested in science this year!"
    LeTourneau University Now Magazine did an article on me, recently. You can read it here...

    Explore Walt's teaching style in these free courses...

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